[CVPR 2023] GAPartNet: Cross-Category Domain-Generalizable Object Perception and Manipulation via Generalizable and Actionable Parts
We propose a robust 3D segmentation method from the perspective of domain generalization by integrating adversarial learning techniques.
Apr 06 / 2023 -
[CVPR 2023] GFPose: Learning 3D Human Pose Prior with Gradient Fields
Learning 3D human pose prior is essential to human-centered AI. Here, we present GFPose, a versatile framework to model plausible 3D human poses for various applications.
Mar 22 / 2023 -
[Physical Review Letter] Low-Depth Hamiltonian Simulation by an Adaptive Product Formula
Here, focusing on the time evolution of a fixed input quantum state, we propose an adaptive approach to construct a low-depth time evolution circuit.
Mar 14 / 2023 -
[ICRA 2023] DexGraspNet: A Large-Scale Robotic Dexterous Grasp Dataset for General Objects Based on Simulation
本文是国际机器人和自动化顶级会议 ICRA 2023入选论文 DexGraspNet: A Large-Scale Robotic Dexterous Grasp Dataset for General Objects Based on Simulation 的解读。
Mar 11 / 2023 -
Dr. Xiao Yuan is Selected as APS Outstanding Referees for 2022
On February 24th, 2023, the American Physical Society (APS) announces 153 Outstanding Referees for 2022 that have demonstrated exceptional work in the assessment of manuscripts published in the Physical Review journals.
Mar 03 / 2023 -
[AAMAS 2023] Is Nash Equilibrium Approximator Learnable?
In this paper, we investigate the learnability of the function approximator that approximates Nash equilibrium (NE) for games generated from a distribution.
Feb 17 / 2023 -
[AAAI 2023 Oral] Tracking and Reconstructing Hand Object Interactions from Point Cloud Sequences in the Wild
In this work, we tackle the challenging task of jointly tracking hand object pose and reconstructing their shapes from depth point cloud sequences in the wild, given the initial poses at frame 0.
Feb 15 / 2023 -
[ICLR 2023] Near-optimal Coresets for Robust Clustering
We consider robust clustering problems in Rd, specifically k-clustering problems (e.g., k-Median and k-Means with m outliers, where the cost for a given center set C⊂Rd aggregates the distances from C to all but the furthest m data points.
Feb 14 / 2023 -
[STOC 2023] Streaming Euclidean Max-Cut: Dimension vs Data Reduction
We design the first streaming algorithms that use space poly(d), and are thus suitable for a high dimension d.
Feb 08 / 2023 -
[ICRA 2023] RLAfford: End-to-end Affordance Learning for Robotic Manipulation
In this study, we take advantage of visual affordance by using the contact information generated during the RL training process to predict contact maps of interest.
Jan 25 / 2023 -
[AAMAS 2023] Sybil-Proof Diffusion Auction in Social Networks
Our proposal provides the first mechanisms to protect the interests of buyers against Sybil attacks with a mild sacrifice of social welfare and revenue.
Jan 23 / 2023 -
[WINE 2022] Optimal Private Payoff Manipulation against Commitment in Extensive-form Games
We show that it is polynomial-time tractable for the follower to find the optimal way of misreporting his private payoff information. Our work completely resolves this follower's optimal manipulation problem on an extensive-form game tree.
Jan 19 / 2023 -
Determinant based Mutual Information
kill two birds with one stone
Oct 19 / 2022 -
What If The Majority Is Wrong?
Eliciting Thinking Hierarchy without a Prior
Oct 18 / 2022 -
[ECCV 2022] Domain Randomization-Enhanced Depth Simulation and Restoration for Perceiving and Grasping Specular and Transparent Objects
Experiments demonstrate that the proposed DREDS dataset bridges the sim-to-real domain gap such that, trained on DREDS, our SwinDRNet can seamlessly generalize to other real depth datasets, e.g. ClearGrasp, and outperform the competing methods on depth restoration with a real-time speed.
Aug 14 / 2022 -
Professor Xiaotie Deng is Elected as the First Director of CCF Computational Economics Committee
The founding Conference of Computational Economics Committee of Chinese Computer Society (CCF) was held in Suzhou on August 7, 2022.
Aug 09 / 2022 -
[ECCV 2022] Faster VoxelPose: Real-time 3D Human Pose Estimation by Orthographic Projection
We present Faster VoxelPose to address the challenge by re-projecting the feature volume to the three two-dimensional coordinate planes and estimating X, Y, Z coordinates from them separately.
Aug 08 / 2022 -
[ECCV 2022] AdaAfford: Learning to Adapt Manipulation Affordance for 3D Articulated Objects via Few-shot Interactions
In this paper, we propose a novel framework, named AdaAfford, that learns to perform very few test-time interactions for quickly adapting the affordance priors to more accurate instance-specific posteriors.
Jul 31 / 2022 -
Agenda | CFCS TCS Day
The first CFCS TCS Day, organized by Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies (CFCS), Peking University, will be held virtually on June 28, 2022.
Jun 22 / 2022 -
[SIGGRAPH 2019] Learning Character-Agnostic Motion for Motion Retargeting in 2D
We demonstrate that our framework can be used to robustly extract human motion from videos, bypassing 3D reconstruction, and outperforming existing retargeting methods, when applied to videos in-the-wild.
May 31 / 2022