
图灵班 | 罗润冬毕业感言:图灵班教给我的三个经验



      图灵奖获得者、北京大学访问讲席教授、图灵班创建者之一 John Hopcroft 每一次庆祝会都到场/在线参加。为了表达对他的尊敬和感谢,历届图灵班毕业庆祝会上,2名毕业生代表中,一名用英文发言。




Dear Professors and my fellow classmates,


Good morning!


I am Rundong Luo from the Turing Class of 2024, and I am deeply honored and grateful to have the opportunity to stand here. As I look back on our journey together, I am filled with a sense of pride and gratitude for the memories we've created and the milestones we've achieved.








When we first entered the Turing Class, we were a diverse group of individuals, each with our own dreams and aspirations. Over the past four years, we have faced challenges and celebrated triumphs together. From the lively discussions in the classroom to the long hours spent in the lab, each moment has contributed to the fabric of our shared experience.




As we stand on the threshold of new beginnings, I would like to share three key lessons that I have learned during my time in the Turing Class, along with some personal stories that have shaped my experience.




My first lesson is about the perseverance in the face of challenges. Unlike most students in the Turing Class who are already award winners in Informatics Olympics, I came in with no experience in programming. I still remember feeling overwhelmed and out of place. However, our class held aid activities specifically to help those of us who were programming greenhands. I learned a lot from my expert classmates who patiently guided me through my early struggles. Their support and encouragement taught me the importance of perseverance and the value of a supportive community.




The second lesson is to embrace diverse topics early on and explore them thoroughly. The Turing Class introduced us to research from the very first semester we entered the university. I vividly recall struggling with LaTeX to complete an assignment for our “Introduction to Information Science” course. We were tasked with choosing a topic of interest and writing a survey paper. It was a daunting task for first-year students, but it undoubtedly ignited my curiosity and passion for research.




The research rotation program is a unique aspect of our curriculum, allowing us to explore various research topics and find what truly fascinates us. For me, the journey began with an interest in machine learning theory, transitioned to 2D computer vision, and eventually to 3D computer vision. Each step was a pursuit of my passions, driven by the freedom to choose my path and the encouragement to deeply engage with my interests.




My third lesson comes from the motivating power of peer pressure. The Turing Class is full of talented individuals, and the peer pressure I experienced over these years has been a powerful motivator for me to pursue excellence. We all felt the weight of this pressure, yet it pushed us to strive harder and to achieve more than we thought possible. The competitive but supportive environment helped us survive, thrive, and ultimately graduate together. I am grateful for this pressure as it has made us all stronger and more resilient.




Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Professor John Hopcroft for his vision and leadership in creating the Turing Class, to our professors for their guidance and support, and to my classmates for their camaraderie and friendship. You have all played a crucial role in shaping our journey and I am deeply grateful for the time we have spent together.


最后,我衷心感谢 John Hopcroft 教授的远见卓识和领导,使得图灵班得以创立,感谢老师们的指导和支持,也感谢同学们的友谊和陪伴。你们都在我们的旅途中发挥了至关重要的作用,我对我们共度的时光深感感激。


As we step into the next chapter of our lives, I hope that we will carry the lessons we have learned here with us. Let us continue to strive for excellence, to support one another, and to make a positive impact on the world. I wish you all success and happiness in your future endeavors.


Thank you!






