图灵班 | 韩勤毕业感言:竹杖芒鞋轻胜马,我有诸君共相行
图灵奖获得者、北京大学访问讲席教授、图灵班创建者之一 John Hopcroft 每一次庆祝会都到场/在线参加。为了表达对他的尊敬和感谢,历届图灵班毕业庆祝会上,两名毕业生代表中,一名用英文发言、一名用中文发言。
Dear professors and all my fellow classmates:
Good morning!
I am Han Qin. It is my honor to stand here as a member of the 2023 Turing Class, to reminisce and reflect on the years we've journeyed together. Do you remember when we first stepped into this yard three years ago? We were a part of the Turing Class then, brimming with youthful energy and promise. Now, the time has come to say farewell. We've shed our initial naivety and gained a touch of maturity and determination.
So, today, I want to share two treasures I unearthed within the Turing Class. The first treasure is friendship. Before I entered the Turing Class, I had worried about whether, as a freshman without any OI experience, I could survive among the brilliant minds in this group of talented students at Peking University. Yet, after joining the Turing Class, I was surprised to find that everyone is kind and sincere. We studied together, encouraging and helping each other, respecting and trusting each other. This allowed me to integrate quickly into the Turing Class family and to experience the warmth of a home. I still vividly remember the days we spent together: rushing to 8 a.m. classes, collectively drafting notes for "Discrete Mathematics and Structures", worrying about ICS labs, and meeting deadlines for "Machine Learning" projects. Also, in our free time, we went hiking, had pizza or hot-pot together, and organized academic discussions. I am very fortunate to have known every one of you. It was my first chance to meet a diverse group of friends from all over the country. Each one of you is unique, and each has its personified charms that I have come to admire. Also, here, I've met my best friends of my undergraduate years, Yan Mi, Yuhan, Wang Ying, and Hanyue.
今天,我想分享自己在图灵班的两个最重要的收获。第一个收获是友谊。在进入图灵班之前,我曾经担心,作为一个没有任何 OI 经验的新生,我能否在这个大佬云集的班级里生存下去。然而,加入图灵班后,我惊喜地发现大家都是如此善良和真诚。我们一同学习,互相鼓励与帮助、彼此尊重与信任,这让我迅速地融入了图灵班这个温暖的大家庭。还记得我们并肩走过的那些日子:一起冲向早晨8点的课堂;共同整理“离散数学和结构”的笔记;为 ICS labs 的事情苦恼;一同赶“机器学习”大作业 ddl。业余时间里,我们一起踏青聚会、一起吃披萨和火锅、组织学术讨论……非常幸运能够与图灵班的每一个人相知、相识。这是我第一次有机会认识一群来自五湖四海的朋友们,而其中的每一个人都是那么独特、富有自己的人格魅力,令我欣赏、倾佩。同时,我也在图灵班遇到了本科期间最好的朋友们。
The second treasure I discovered in the Turing Class is courage — the courage to explore our potential and to pursue our passions. Before joining the Turing Class or even starting university studies, my life and study were planned out. I only had to learn what was taught, again and again. However, upon entering the Turing Class, I was amazed at the breadth of possibilities before us. We were encouraged to become teaching assistants for "Discrete Mathematics and Structures," to lecture on topics we found interesting. We were encouraged to participate in Research Rotation Practice, to explore cutting-edge research fields we loved or were curious about. We were encouraged to give presentations about our research interests and share the stories behind our progress. Most importantly, we were encouraged to make our own choices in pursuit of our passions with an unprecedented level of freedom. Every single choice we made was respected and supported fully. And this has profoundly influenced my life. Now, whenever I make decisions, I have greater courage and determination to choose what I love, believe in, and treasure. This, in turn, has helped cultivate my courage to take responsibility for my decisions, and to face the ups and downs that accompany them.
Over these three years, we have been fortunate to grow freely in the nurturing cradle of the Turing Class. We have journeyed across self-discovery, and have bravely ventured into uncharted territories of knowledge. Together, we experienced the sweetness of success and joy, and also tasted the bitterness of confusion and difficulty. I am always profoundly grateful to become a member of the Turing Class family, and I believe it's rare to find another place that so generously fosters our unfettered growth.
Finally, I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who has dedicated their efforts to the establishment of the Turing Class. We are deeply grateful to Professor John for establishing and leading the Turing Class program, to our esteemed class advisors, and to all the faculties at CFCS for their sincere cultivation and selfless support.
I would also like to express my sincere hope that each of my fellow graduates of the 2023 Turing Class could never forget your original aspirations, bravely pursue your beloved career, and embrace a wonderful future. Thank you all!