
图灵班 | 陈旭雯毕业感言:行不孤,道相随



      图灵奖获得者、北京大学访问讲席教授、图灵班创建者之一 John Hopcroft 每一次庆祝会都到场/在线参加。为了表达对他的尊敬和感谢,历届图灵班毕业庆祝会上,两名毕业生代表中,一名用英文发言。




Dear professors and my fellow classmates,


Good morning! I'm Xuwen Chen from AI Turing class. I'm deeply honored to have the opportunity to stand here today.




早上好!我是来自 AI 图灵班的陈旭雯。非常荣幸今天能有机会站在这里。


With graduation around the corner, it reminds me of four years ago when I just graduated from high school, I was filled with excitement and fascinated by the amazing world of artificial intelligence. I recall the ambition then that one day I would be doing research for pushing the scientific boundary or innovating technological development.




However, as the saying goes, you dream a plump, you get the skinny reality. I still remember the first semester of my sophomore year, I was hit head-on by a slew of hard-core courses. For the course Discrete Mathematics and Structures, I was given the last place in the mid-term exam, which was the first time in my life - except for the 800m running test. At that moment I couldn't help questioning myself whether I deserve to be a qualified student of Turing class, or even EECS. Even worse, when I was exhausted for a good-looking GPA, it was quite difficult to spare some leisure time to deliberate over my original aspiration or my future road.




The first valuable experience I've gained from the Turing class was the importance of reaching out and seeking help from others. I benefited a lot from the interactions with my classmates, and was able to gain better understanding of discrete math by studying the treasure notes from my seniors. I was able to improve my grades significantly in the final exam, a testimony to the importance of reaching out for help. Indeed, before I entered Turing Class, oftentimes when I encountered difficulties in research, I was consumed by pessimism. Again, by reaching out I was always reinvigorated by the timely feedback from my friends.




Perhaps a more valuable experience I've gained was the importance of an inquiring mind, in both study and life. Undoubtedly, the Turing Class research rotation offered me a unique opportunity to enter the wonderful world of research. I don’t hesitate in asking questions. The instructors and advisors were always able to dispel my confusion, they are always patient and resourceful. I was constantly reminded that never satisfy with merely dipping a toe, but to ignite an unfailing appetite for seeking truth.




I always savor the appetite for wonders and the unknown in awe, which gives me the perspective to appreciate what I am working for, as well as looking forward to reaping a harvest from my sown field. Just as was said in The Great Gatsby: "It eluded us then, but that's no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther……And then one fine morning—"




I never know if I could someday utilize my research to facilitate a diverse and open society, or to create a halcyon and harmonious era, or even to build a safer, secure and sustainable world. Yet what I do know is that I am still going down this road. For me, this is the best graduation answer I could give myself.




Finally, I'd like to express my most sincere gratitude to John for establishing and leading the Turing class program, to the CFCS faculty for their precious mentorship and cultivation, and to every student for uniting into our Turing class that has been surrounded an enterprising atmosphere and brilliant examples. I am always grateful and indebted to be a member of such a wonderful collective.


最后,我想向各位表达我最真诚的感激:感谢 John 创立并领导了图灵班项目,感谢每一位前沿计算研究中心的老师的谆谆教诲与悉心栽培,感谢每一位同学,是你们共同凝聚成了图灵班,这里充满了进取的氛围和杰出的榜样,我时常为能成为其中一员而感到深深的荣幸和由衷的感激。


Hope each and every one of you could find your beloved career and march forward bravely along the path. Wish you a thriving and flourishing future —— and most importantly —— a good health and a joy of living. Thank you.





   “图灵人才培养计划”由本科生和研究生培养两部分组成,本科生培养基于2017年创办的“图灵班”,研究生培养计划随之于2019年立项。该计划将聚合全球顶级导师资源,在包括计算机软件与理论、计算机应用技术、计算机系统结构、智能科学与技术、软件工程等多个计算机学科方向精心打造人才培养体系和学科建设方案,形成国际领先的从本科生到博士研究生的全链条人才培养计划。图灵奖获得者、北京大学访问讲席教授 John Hopcroft 亲自设计培养方案和课程体系,并亲自讲授、旁听及一对一交流相关课程,确保课堂质量。