CFCS Holds the 5th Youth Forum on Frontiers of Computing (ONLINE)
On April 5th, 2020, the 5th Youth Forum on Frontiers of Computing was held successfully in an unprecedented move where the entire forum was conducted online and was live-streamed as well with around 1500 audience. Dr. Daniel Povey, chief voice scientist of Xiaomi and founder of Kaldi was invited to deliver the keynote speech. Young schloars from world-known univeristies gave talks about their research.
Professor Baoquan Chen, executive director of CFCS and the host of the forum, welcomed everyone and presented the beautiful Coutyard No.5, Jingyuan where CFCS located at the opening ceremony. Professor Chen warmly welcomed everyone to have a visit.
Dr. Daniel Povey, chief voice scientist of Xiaomi and founder of Kaldi, talked about the challenge of good documentation for machine learning software. He argued that a documentation-driven approach to the design of software can lead to clearer designs and easier-to-maintain code.
Professor Xiaotie Deng, Dr. Hao Dong, Dr. Yuqing Kong and Professor Yizhou Wang from CFCS co-chaired the Young Scholar Talk session. Dr. Lequan Yu from Stanford University gave a talk titled Towards Intelligent Healthcare: Medical Image Analysis and Reconstruction with Deep Learning. Dr. Xiao Yuan from Stanford University shared error-mitigated quantum computing with near-term quantum hardware. Xin Wang from University of California, Santa Barbara delivered a talk titled close the loop between language and vision for embodied agents. Baoxiang Wang from the Chinese University of Hong Kong presented a talk titled improving policy optimization: algorithms and foundations. Dr. Lingxiao Huang from Yale University introduced Fairness in Automated Decision-Making Tasks. Dr. Nanyang Ye from University of Cambridge gave a presentation titled Towards Robust Deep Learning. Dr. Yali Du from University College London discussed agent learning in the emergence of complex world.
Professor Yizhou Wang, vice director of CFCS, concluded the forum and looked forward that more outstanding young scholars will join CFCS, Peking University, devoting to the improvement of China's higher education and scientific research.
The center hosts the CFCS Youth Forum on Frontiers of Computing twice a year, which has become a platform for attracting talented young computer scientists from around the world. We invite candidates to give talks to introduce their research during the forum, and take the opportunity to introduce the center to them. With an ever increasing dynamic in the Chinese IT industry and partnership with universities, we also invite industry leaders to explore collaboration opportunities.