邓小铁 讲席教授

+86 (0)10 6276-9219



算法博弈论、计算经济学、区块链、组合优化 https://cfcs.pku.edu.cn/dengxiaotie/


  邓小铁教授,现任北京大学前沿计算研究中心讲席教授、CSIAM 区块链专委会主任,兼北京大学人工智能研究院多智能体中心主任。1982年于清华大学获得学士学位,1984年于中国科学院获得硕士学位,1989年于斯坦福大学获得博士学位。1984-1985年,任中国科学院系统科学研究所助理研究员;1991-1999年任加拿大约克大学计算机科学与工程系助理教授、副教授;1997-2012年任香港城市大学计算机科学与工程系副教授、教授、讲席教授,同时,于2010年-2012年兼任英国利物浦大学计算机科学与工程系讲席教授;2012-2017年任上海交通大学计算机科学与工程系讲席教授;2017年12月入职北京大学,任计算机学院前沿计算研究中心讲席教授。


  他的主要科研方向为算法博弈论、区块链、互联网经济、在线算法及并行计算。2008年,他因在算法博弈论领域的贡献当选 ACM Fellow;2019年,因在不完全信息计算和交互环境计算领域的贡献当选 IEEE fellow;2020年当选欧洲科学院外籍院士;2021年当选中国工业与应用数学学会会士(CSIAM Fellow);2021年被任命为博弈论学会(GTS)理事;2021年被聘为中国运筹学会博弈论分会荣誉理事;2021年获得 CCF 人工智能学会多智能体与多智能体系统研究成就奖;2022年获得 ACM 计算经济学的“时间检验奖”(Test of Time Award)。


  邓小铁教授近期的科研重心主要在均衡计算、多智能体博弈、互联网经济和区块链中的博弈论研究,具体包括数据驱动博弈下的机器学习方法、认知理论、对手建模、学习算法、拍卖、广告、机制设计等。作为项目负责人,他曾承担几十项加拿大、香港、英国及国家基金委科研项目,并担任多种国际期刊编委。邓小铁担任多个国际学术会议主席,并发起由亚欧美三大洲循环举办的国际互联网经济学术会议(The Conference on Web and Internet Economics,WINE)和国际理论计算机联合大会(International Joint Conference on Theoretical Computer Science,IJTCS)。曾获得 IEEE 理论计算机学术会议 FOCS 最佳论文奖;其成果“关于图与组合优化的若干经典问题的研究”获2015年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学)二等奖。应用方面曾获得多项专利,曾担任主要互联网公司机制设计顾问。


Selected publications

Algorithmic Game Theory

  • Xiaotie Deng, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
    On the complexity of cooperative solution conceptsMathematics of Operations Research, 19(2): 257-266 (1994).
  • Xiaotie Deng, Toshihide Ibaraki, Hiroshi Nagamochi:
    Algorithmic aspects of the core of combinatorial optimization games, Mathematics of Operations Research, 24(3): 751-766 (1999).
  • Xiaotie Deng, Toshihide Ibaraki, Hiroshi Nagamochi, Wenan Zang:
    Totally balanced combinatorial optimization gamesMathematical Programming, 87(3): 441-452 (2000).


Equilibrium Computation

  • Xi Chen, Xiaotie Deng:
    Settling the complexity of two-player Nash equilibriumFOCS 2006 : 261-272.
    Journal version in JACM 2009, with X. Chen and S. Teng.
  • Xiaotie Deng, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Shmuel Safra:
    On the complexity of equilibria, STOC 2002: 67-71.
  • Tian-Ming Bu, Xiaotie Deng, Qi Qi:
    Arbitrage opportunities across sponsored search marketsTheoretical Computer Science, 407(1-3): 182-191 (2008).
  • Tian-Ming Bu, Xiaotie Deng, Qi Qi:
    Forward looking Nash equilibrium for keyword auctionInformation Processing Letters, 105(2): 41-46 (2008).
  • Xiaotie Deng, Qi Qi, Amin Saberi:
    Algorithmic solutions for envy-free cake cuttingOperations Research, 60(6): 1461-1476 (2012).
  • Xiaotie Deng, Jianping Wang, Juntao Wang:
    How to Design a Common Telecom Infrastructure for Competitors to be Individually Rational and Collectively OptimalIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE-JSAC), 35(3): 736-750 (2017).
  • Xiaotie Deng, Zhe Feng, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
    Power-Law Distributions in a Two-Sided Market and Net NeutralityWINE 2016 : 59-72.


Incentive Analysis in Market Equilibrium

  • Yukun Cheng, Xiaotie Deng, Yifan Pi, Xiang Yan:
    Can Bandwidth Sharing Be Truthful? SAGT 2015 : 190-202.
  • Ning Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Bo Tang, Hongyang Zhang:
    Incentives for Strategic Behavior in Fisher Market Games, AAAI 2016 : 453-459.
  • Yukun Cheng, Xiaotie Deng, Qi Qi, Xiang Yan:
    Truthfulness of a Proportional Sharing Mechanism in Resource Exchange, IJCAI 2016 : 187-193.


Fixed point computation

  • Xi Chen, Xiaotie Deng:
    Matching algorithmic bounds for finding a Brouwer fixed pointJournal of the ACM (JACM), 55(3): 13:1-26 (2008).
  • Xiaotie Deng, Qi Qi, Amin Saberi, Jie Zhang:
    Discrete fixed points: Models, complexities, and applicationsMathematics of Operations Research, 36(4): 636-652 (2011).
  • Xiaotie Deng, Jack R. Edmonds, Zhe Feng, Zhengyang Liu, Qi Qi, Zeying Xu:
    Understanding PPA-completenessConference on Computational Complexity 2016 : 23:1-25.


Approximate Computing under Incomplete Information 

  • Xiaotie Deng, Tiko Kameda, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
    How to learn an unknown environment I: the rectilinear case, Journal of the ACM (JACM), 45(2): 215-245 (1998). 
  • Xiaotie Deng, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
    Exploring an unknown graph, Journal of Graph Theory, 32(3): 265-297 (1999). 
  • Xiaotie Deng, Andranik Mirzaian:
    Competitive robot mapping with homogeneous markersIEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 12(4): 532-542 (1996).


Multi-Agent Protocols

  • Amotz Bar-Noy, Xiaotie Deng, Juan A. Garay, Tiko Kameda:
    Optimal amortized distributed consensusInformation and Computation, 120(1): 93-100 (1995).
  • Xiaotie Deng, Sanjeev Mahajan:
    Infinite games: randomization, computability, and applications to online problems, STOC 1991 : 289-298.
  • Anthony Y. Fu, Liu Wenyin, Xiaotie Deng:
    Detecting phishing web pages with visual similarity assessment based on earth mover's distance (EMD), IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE-TDSC), 3(4): 301-311 (2006).
  • Guomin Yang, Duncan S. Wong, Xiaotie Deng:
    Anonymous and authenticated key exchange for roaming networksIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE-TWC), 6(9): 3461-3472 (2007).
  • Guomin Yang, Qiong Huang, Duncan S. Wong, Xiaotie Deng:
    Universal authentication protocols for anonymous wireless communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE-TWC), 9(1): 168-174 (2010).


Parallel Algorithms

  • Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Xiaotie Deng, Patrick W. Dymond, Andreas Fabri, Ashfaq A. Khokhar:
    A randomized parallel 3D convex hull algorithm for coarse grained multicomputers, SPAA 1995 : 27-33.
  • Xiaotie Deng, Nian Gu, Tim Brecht, KaiCheng Lu:
    Preemptive scheduling of parallel jobs on multiprocessors, SIAM Journal on Computing, 30(1): 145-160 (2000).



  • Xiaotie Deng, Pavol Hell, Jing Huang:
    Linear-time representation algorithms for proper circular arc graphs, SIAM Journal on Computing, 25(2): 390-403 (1996). 
  • Xiaotie Deng, Guojun Li, Zimao Li, Bin Ma, Lusheng Wang:
    Genetic design of drugs without side-effectsSIAM Journal on Computing, 32(4): 1073-1090 (2003).
  • Mao-cheng Cai, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang:
    A min-max theorem on feedback vertex setsMathematics of Operations Research, 27(2): 361-371 (2002).
  • Mao-cheng Cai, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang:
    An approximation algorithm for feedback vertex sets in tournaments, SIAM Journal on Computing, 30(6): 1993-2007 (2001).


Information Retrievals

  • Haodi Feng, Kang Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Weimin Zheng:
    Accessor variety criteria for Chinese word extractionComputational Linguistics, 30(1): 75-93 (2004).
  • Hung Chim, Xiaotie Deng:
    A new suffix tree similarity measure for document clustering, WWW 2007 : 121-130.
  • Jianfeng Si, Arjun Mukherjee, Bing Liu, Qing Li, Huayi Li, Xiaotie Deng:
    Exploiting topic based twitter sentiment for stock predictionACL (2) 2013 : 24-29.





