
董豪博士等编写的深度强化学习专著:Deep Reinforcement Learning: Fundamentals, Research and Applications 开始预售

  近期,由北京大学前沿计算研究中心助理教授董豪博士等编写的深度强化学习专著:《深度强化学习:基础、研究和应用(Deep Reinforcement Learning: Fundamentals, Research and Applications)》开始在Springer预售。英文版预购链接:。中文版预计在年底推出,敬请期待。更多信息,请移步本书主页:













  董豪,北京大学前沿计算研究中心助理教授。于2019年秋获得英国帝国理工学院博士学位。研究重点包括可泛化的机械臂操作、机器人视觉和移动设备自主决策等方面。董豪博士在NeurIPS、ICLR、CVPR、ICCV、ECCV、ICRA、IROS等国际顶尖会议/期刊上发表论文40余篇,Google Scholar引用4000余次,多次担任国际顶尖会议如NeurIPS、CVPR、AAAI的领域主席。其领导了多个开源项目,例如TensorLayer和OpenMLsys,在ACM Multimedia 2017获得了最佳开源软件奖,并在2021年和2022年获得了OpenI杰出项目奖。在加入北大之前,董博士于2019年秋从英国帝国理工毕业,师从郭毅可教授。在博士之前,董博士分别从英国帝国理工和英国中央兰开夏大学获得一等硕士和一等学士学位,并与郭毅可教授共同创办过人工智能可穿戴硬件公司。


  丁子涵,普林斯顿大学博士生。于2019年获得英国帝国理工一等研究生学位,本科就读于中国科技大学获物理和计算机双学位。研究方向主要涉及强化学习、机器人控制、计算机视觉等。在ICRA、NeurIPS、AAAI、IJCAI、Physical Review等顶级期刊与会议发表多篇论文。是TensorLayer-RLzoo, TensorLet和Arena开源项目的贡献者。


  仉尚航,加州大学伯克利分校Berkeley AI Research Lab (BAIR) 博士后研究员。于2018年获得卡内基梅隆大学博士学位。研究方向主要涉及深度学习、计算机视觉及强化学习。在NeurIPS、CVPR、ICCV、AAAI等人工智能顶级期刊和会议发表多篇论文。目前主要从事有限样本机器学习理论与算法研究,包括low-shot learning、domain adaptation、meta learning等。获得美国2018 Rising Stars in EECS,及Adobe Collaboration Fund, Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Finallist Award等奖励。



















I am impressed by the breadth of topics covered by the book. From fundamental underlying theory  of deep reinforcement learning  to technical implementation with elaborated code details, the authors devoted significant efforts to provide a comprehensive description. Such a style makes the book  an ideal study material for novices and scholars. Embracing the open-source community is an indispensable reason for deep learning to have such a rapid development.  I am glad that this book is accompanied by the open-source code. I believe that this book will be very useful for researchers who can learn from such a comprehensive overview of the field, as well as the engineers who can learn from scratch with hands on practice using the open source code examples.



This book provides the most reliable entry to deep reinforcement learning, bridging the gap between fundamentals and practices, featuring detailed explanation and demonstration of algorithmic implementation, offering tips and cheat sheet. The authors are researchers and practitioners from leading universities and open source community who conduct research on deep reinforcement learning or apply its new techniques in various applications. The book serves as an extremely useful resource for readers of diverse background and objectives.

-陈宝权,北京大学博雅特聘教授,前沿计算研究中心执行主任,IEEE Fellow


This is a timely book in an important area---deep Reinforcement Learning (RL). The book presents a comprehensive set of tools in a clear and succinct fashion: covering the foundations and popular algorithms of deep RL, practical implementation details, as well as forward-looking research directions. It is ideally suited for anyone who would like to learn deep RL, to implement deep RL algorithms for their applications, or to begin fundamental research in the area of deep RL.



This is a book for pure fans of reinforcement learning, in particular deep reinforcement learning.

Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has been changing our lives and the world since 2013 in many ways (e.g. autonomous cars, AlphaGo). It has showed the capability to comprehend the 'beauty of Go' better than professionals. The same idea is currently being implemented in technology, healthcare and finance. DRL explores the ultimate answer to one of the most fundamental questions: how do human beings learn from interaction with environment? This mechanism could be a silver bullet of avoiding the 'big data' trap, a necessary path towards 'Strong AI', as well as a virgin land that no human intelligence has touched before.

This book, written by a group of young researchers with full passion in machine learning, will show you the world of DRL and enhance your understanding by means of practical examples and experiences. Recommend to all learners who want to keep the key to future intelligence in their own pocket.
