CFCS Invited Talks

Recent Development in Image Generation and Processing

  • Dr. Jiaya Jia, outstanding scientist of YouTu Lad, Tencent.
  • Time: 2018-04-02 13:00
  • Host: Prof. Baoquan Chen
  • Venue: Room 101, Courtyard No.5, Jingyuan


We introduce recent progress of YouTu Lab, Tencent in terms of notable contribution in practical technology development. It is followed by our recent work on image generation and processing published in ICCV and CVPR.


Dr. Jiaya Jia is the outstanding scientist of YouTu Lad, Tencent. He is responsible for the research of artificial intelligence in the fields of computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning, as well as the in-depth exploration of the combination of artificial intelligence and various application scenarios. Dr. Jiaya Jia is a tenure professor of Chinese University of Hong Kong. Before joining Tencent, he had in-depth joint research cooperation with image and artificial intelligence research institutes, such as Microsoft Research Asian, Google, Qualcomm, Intel, and Adobe. During his tenure in the university, he has published more than 100 top conference and journal papers. Among them, Image Smoothing via L0 Gradient Minimization, published by him and his students, was the highest cited paper at all SIGGRAPH conferences since 2011. In addition, He is the editor of IEEE Transactions of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) and International Journal on Computer Vision (IJCV) , the top journals of computer vision and machine learning. Dr. Jiaya Jia was the Chairman of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) and IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). He was also a member of ICCP 2013-2017 and SIGGRAPH's thesis committee. Dr. Jiaya Jia was elected as 2018 IEEE Fellow for his outstanding contribution to computer image de-blurring technology.